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This A SHORT BIBLIOGRAPHY - for details of THE TRADITIONS LIBRARY (Reference Books only) - see after the BIBLIOGRAPHY


CHILD - Francis J Child's number system for his selection of Classic Ballads

LAWS - American Song numbers by G.Malcolm Laws Jnr

ROUD - Recent English number system by Steve Roud Those books marked with * are in the Folktrax Library

JFSS - JOURNAL of the Folk-Song Society


ANDREWS 1979 = Colin Andrews: Shepherd of the Downs: The Life and Songs of Michael Blann of Upper Beeding: (Worthing Museum & Art Gallery)

ASHTON CB 1887/ *MSB 1888/ *RSS 1891 = John Ashton: A Century of Ballads (Elliott Stock)/ Modern Street Ballads (Chatto & Windus)/ Real Sailor Songs (Leadenhall/ Broadsheet King)

*BARING GOULD SOW 1891-5/ EM 1895-6/ GCS 1895 = Rev Sabine Baring Gould: Songs (& Ballads) of the West (4 pts Methuen)/ English Minstrelsie/ A Garland of Country Song (Methuen/ Jack/ Methuen)

*BARING GOULD & SHARP SOW(R) 1905/ EFSS 1906 = Rev S. Baring Gould with Cecil J. Sharp: Songs of the West (Revised Edition)/ English Folk Songs for Schools (Methuen/ Curwen)

*BARRETT EFS 1891 = William Alexander Barrett: English Folk-Songs (Novello)

*BELL EB 1856/ BSPE 1857 = Robert Bell: Early Ballads/ Ballads & Songs of the Peasantry of England (Parker)

*BROADWOOD OES 1843/ SS 1890/ ECS 1890/ ETSC 1908 = Lucy E Broadwood & J A Fuller Maitland: Old English Songs/ Sussex Songs/ English County Songs (Leadenhall)/ English Traditional Songs & Carols: (Boosey)

BRUCE-STOKOE NM 1882 = Rev J Collingwood Bruce & John Stokoe: Northumbrian Minstrelsy (Society of Antiquaries, Newcastle)

BUCHAN ABNS 1828 = Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland - 2 vols (Edinburgh)

BUCHAN GSEI 1825 = Gleanings of Scotch, English & Irish Scarce Old Ballads (Peterhead)

*BUCHAN 101SS 1962 = Norman Buchan: 101 Scottish Songs (Collins)

*BUCHAN-HALL TSFS 1973 = Norman Buchan & Peter Hall: The Scottish Folk Singer (Collins)

*BULLEN SSL 1891/1914 = F.T.Bullen & W.F.Arnold: Songs of Sea Labour (Swan, Watson & Wilcock)

BUNTING AMI 1840 = Edward Bunting: The Ancient Music of Ireland (Dublin)
*BURNE SFL 1883 = Charlotte S. Burne: Shropshire Folklore (Trubner)

BUTTERWORTH FSS 1913 = George Butterworth: Folk Songs from Sussex (Augener)

*CAREY TEFS 1915 = Clive Carey: Ten English Folk Songs (Curwen)

*CHAMBERS PRS 1870 = Robert Chambers: Popular Rhymes of Scotland

*CHAPPELL NEA 1838/ 1859 = William Chappell: National English Airs/ Popular Music of the Olden Time (2 vols)

*CHILD ESPB 1882-98 = Francis James Child: English and Scottish Popular Ballads (Boston) 5 vols

*CHRISTIE TBA 1: 1876 2: 1881 = Dean Christie: Traditional Ballad Airs (Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas)

*COLLINSON-DILLON SFC 1946/ FSCM 1952 = Francis Collinson: Songs from the Countryside/ Folk Songs from Country Magazine (Paxton)

*COPPER SES 1971/ SSB 1973/ ETR 1976 = Bob Copper: A Song for Every Season/ Songs and Southern Breezes/ Early to rise (Heinemann)

CRAWHALL OTNR 1883 = Olde Tayles Newlye Relayted (London)

*CROKER PSI 1839/1886 = Thomas Crofton Croker: The Popular Songs of Ireland (Henry Colburn/ Routledge)

*D'URFEY PPM 1719-20 = Thomas D'Urfey: Wit and Mirth - Pills to Purge Melancholy

*DAVIS-TOZER 1887 = Frederick J Davis & Ferris Tozer::Fifty Sailor Songs or Chanteys (Boosey)

*DEAN-SMITH GEFC 1954 = Edited by Margaret Dean-Smith: Guide to English Folk Song Collections1822-1952 (Liverpool Univ Press & The EFDS Society)

DIXON SOP 1846 = James Henry Dixon: Songs of the Peasantry (Percy Society)

*DOUGLAS TMFS 1928/ 29 & 1957 = Mona Douglas: Twelve Manx Folk Songs 3 volumes (Manx Gaelic & English words) piano arrangements by Arnold Foster for EFDSS

*DUNSTAN CSB 1929/ CDFS 1932 = Ralph Dunstan: The Cornish Song Book/ Cornish Dialect & Folk Song (Reid Bros)

FORD VSBS 1899 = Robert Ford: Vagabond Songs & Ballads of Scotland (Alex Gardner, Paisley)

*FORD CRGS 1904 = Robert Ford: Children's Rhymes, Games, Songs & Stories (Alex Gardner, Paisley)

GARDHAM ERS 1982 = Steve Gardham: An East Riding Songster (Lincoln: Lincolnshire & Humberside Arts

GARDINER FSFH 1909 = George B. Gardiner: Folksongs from Hampshire (Novello)

*GILBERT SACC 1822 = Davies Gilbert: Some Ancient Christmas Carols (Nichols)

*GILLINGTON EHFS 1907/ OHSG 1909/ SOR 1911 = Alice E.Gillington: Eight Hampshire Folk Songs/ Old Hampshire Singing Games/ Songs of the Open Road (Joseph Williams)

GRAHAM SS 1853-4/ 1861 = George Farquhar Graham: The Songs of Scotland (Edinburgh, Wood):

*GREIG FSNE 1906-14 = Gavin-Grieg: Folk Songs of the North East (Peterhead: Buchan Observer)

*GREIG-DUNCAN 1990-2002 = The Greig-Duncan F/S Collection (Univ of Aberdeen/ Mercat Press)

*GREIG-KEITH LL 1925 = Gavin Greig & Alexander Keith: Last Leaves of Traditional Ballads & Ballad Airs (Aberdeen)

*GUNDRY CK 1966 = Inglis Gundry: Canow Kernow (Federation of Old Cornwall Societies/ Folktrax)

*HALLIWELL NRTE 1842/1912/ PRNT 1849 = James Orchard Halliwell: Nursery Rhymes & Nursery Tales of England (Frederick Warne)

*HAMER GGA 1967/ GGR 1973 = Fred Hamer: Garners Gay/ Green Groves (EFDS Publications)

HAMMOND FSD 1908 = H E D Hammond: Folk-Songs from Dorset (Novello)

*HENRY SOP 1924/ MOULDEN 1979/ HUNTINGTON 1990 = Sam Henry: Songs of the People (Belfast 1923-29)

HERD AMSS 1776/ 1869 = David Herd: Ancient & Modern Scottish Songs (Dickson & Elliott)

*HEWETT N&C 1900/ 1973 = Sara Hewett: Nummits and Crummits (London: Thomas Burley/ Norwood USA) *HILL 1904 = Rev Geoffry: Wiltshire Folk Songs & Carols (Bournemouth: W.Mate)

*HUGHES ICS 1909/ 1915/ 1935/ 1936 = Herbert Hughes: Irish Country Songs - 4 vols (Boosey)

*HUGILL SSS 1961/ SASS 1969/ SSh 1977 = Stan Hugill: Shanties of the Seven Seas/ Shanties & Sailor Songs/ Sea Shanties (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul/ Herbert Jenkins/ Barrie & Jenkins)

JAMIESON PBS 1806 = Robert Jamieson: Popular Ballads and Songs - 2 vols (Edinburgh)

*JEWITT BSD 1867 = Llewellyn Jewitt: Ballads & Songs of Derbyshire (Bemrose & Lothian)

JOHNSON SMM 1787-1839 = James Johnson: The Scots Musical Museum - 6 vols (Edinburgh)

*JOYCE AMOI 1873/ OIFMS 1909 = Patrick Weston Joyce: Old Irish Folk Music and Songs (Longmans Green)

*KENNEDY FOTM 1970 = ed. Peter Kennedy: FILMS on Traditional Music and Dance - a first international catalogue (Unesco, Paris)

*KENNEDY FSBI 1975/ 1985 = Peter Kennedy: Folksongs of Britain and Ireland (London: Cassells & Schirmer, NY/ NY Oak & Music Sales)

*KENNEDY-FRASER SOTH 1907/-17/-21 = Marjory Kennedy-Fraser: "Songs of the Hebrides" vols 1-3 (Boosey & Co)

*KENNEDY-FRASER ST 1913 = Marjory K-F & Kenneth McLeod: "Sea Tangle"

*KENNEDY-FRASER FTH 1925 = M K-F & Kenneth McLeod: "From the Hebrides" Further Gleanings of Tale & Song by (Paterson Publications)

*KENNEDY-FRASER MSOTH 1929 = Marjory K-F: "More Songs of the Hebrides" (Boosey & Co)

*KIDSON TT 1891/ GEF 1926/ FSNC 1927/ EPS 1929 = Frank Kidson: Traditional Tunes/ A Garland of English Folk Songs/ Folk Songs of the North Country/ English Peasant Songs (Taphouse/ Ascherberg, Hopwood &Crew)

KINLOCH ASB 1827 = George R. Kinloch: Ancient Scottish Ballads (Edinburgh)

*LEATHER FLH 1912/ TTC 1920 = Ella M.Leather: The Folk-Lore of Herefordshire/ 12 Traditional Carols (Sidgwick & Jackson)

*LLOYD CABM 1952/ FSE 1967 = A.L.Lloyd: Come all ye Bold Miners/ Folk Song in England (Lawrence & Wishart)

LOGAN PPBS 1869 = A Pedlar's Pack of Ballads and Songs (Edinburgh)

LONG DIOW 1886 = The Dialect of the Isle of Wight (London: Reeves & Turner)

*McCOLL SS 1953/ S&C 1954/ PC 1962/ FSBS 1965 = Ewan McColl (London: WMA)

*McCOLL-SEEGER TSES 1977/ TDIA 1986 = Ewan McColl & Peggy Seeger: Traveller Songs from England & Scotland (Routledge)

*MASON NRCS 1877/ 1908 = M.H.Mason: Nursery Rhymes & Country Songs (Metzler)

*MERRICK FSFS 1912 = W.Percy Merrick: Folk Songs from Sussex (Novello)

*MOERAN SSFS 1932 = E.J. Moeran: Six Suffolk Folk Songs (Curwen)

*MOFFAT MS 1894/ MI 1897 = Alfred Moffat: The Minstrelsy of Scotland/ Ireland (Augener)

MONTGOMERIE BSBM 1966-7 = Wm Montggomery: A Bibliography of Scottish Ballad Manuscripts

*MORTON FSU 1970/ CDGD 1973/ BOL 1977 = Robin Morton: Folk Songs sung in Ulster/ Come day, Go day, God send Sunday/ Boys of the Lough (Mercier/ Routrledge/ Gilderoy)

*MOTHERWELL MAM 1827 = Wm Motherwell: Minstrelsy Ancient and Modern (John Wylie, Glasgow)

MUNCH STTC 1970 = Peter A. Munch: Song Tradition of Tristan de Cunha (Folklore Institute Monograph vol 22. Indiana Univ/ Mouton, Hague, Netherlands)

*O BOYLE CCT 1944/ IST 1976 = Sean O Boyle: Cnusacht de Cheoltai Uladh (Comaltas Uladh)/ The Irish Song Tradition (Dublin: Gilbert Dalton)

*O LOCHLAIN ISB 1939/ MISB 1965 = Colm O Lochlainn: Irish Street Ballads/ More ISB (Dublin: Three Candles)

O SHAUGHNESSY TOFS 1968 = 21 Lincolnshire F/S coll by Percy Grainger (Oxford)

*OPIE ODNR 1951 = Robert & Iona Opie: The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes (Oxford University Press)

*ORD BSB 1930 = J. Ord: Bothy Songs and Ballads (Alex Gardner, Glasgow 1930)

PALMER RFC 1971/ SOM 1972/ TPP 1973/ TVS 1973/ PK 1974/ TOT 1974-5/ ROF 1976/ RS 1977/ STB 1978/ BHE 1979/ EBECS 1979/ EBBB 1980/ RVW 1983/ OBSS 1986/ SOH 1988/ WLW 1990 = Roy Palmer: Everyman's Book of British Ballads/ Folk Songs collected by Ralph Vaughan Williams (Dent)

*PERCY Papers 1775 & RAP 1889 = Thomas Percy: Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (London: Swan Sonnenschein)

*PETRIE CC 1902 = George Petrie: Ed. C. Stanford: Complete Collection (London: Boosey)

*PORTER-GOWER JR 1995 = Porter, James and Herschel Gower, Jr. Jeannie Robertson. (Knoxville, Univ of Tennesee Press).

*PURSLOW MB 1965/ WS 1968/ CL 1972/ FD 1974 = Frank Purslow: Marrowbones/ Wanton Seed/ Constant Lovers/ Foggy Dew (EFDS Publ)

RAMSAY TTM 1740-1876 = Alan Ramsey: The Tea-Table Miscellany (Edinburgh)

*RAVENSCROFT DTML 1609 = Thomas Ravenscroft: Deuteromelia (London: reprint Philadelphia 1961)

*REEVES IOP 1958/ TEC 1960 = James Reeves: The Idiom of the People/ The Everlasting Circle (Heinemann)

*REYNARDSON SS 1890 = H.F.Birch Reynardson: Sussex Songs (from the Broadwood Collection) (Leonard) *RICHARDS-STUBBS EFS 1979 = Sam Richards & Tish Stubbs: The English Folk Singer (London: Collins)

RIMBAULT CC 1846/63/ MIBP 1850 = RIMBAULT, Edward F.: Musical Illustrations of Bishop Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (London: Cramer, Beale)

RITSON SS 1794/ 1869/ ASB & NG 1887 = Joseph Ritson: Scotish Songs - 2 vols/ Ancient Songs & Ballads/ Northern Garlands (London & Glasgow)

ROXBURGHE RB 1871-99 = The Roxburghe Ballads (S Austin for The Ballad Society, Chappell)

RYMOUR RCM1906-1928 = Rymour Club Miscellanea - 3 vols (Edinburgh)

SANDYS CCAM 1833 = Wm Sandys: Christmas Carols - Ancient & Modern (R Beckley)

*SCOTT MSB 1802-3 = Walter Scott: Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border (vols 1 & 2 Kelso/ vol 3 Edinburgh)

*SEEGER-McCOLL SI 1960 = Peggy Seeger & Ewan McColl: The Singing Island (London: Mills Music)

*SHARP EFC 1911/ FSVC 1912/ EFCh = Cecil J Sharp: English Folk Carols/ Folk Songs from Various Counties (Novello/ Simpkin Marshall)

*SHARP-KARPELES CSCE 1974 = Maud Karpeles ed: The Cecil Sharp Collection of English Folk Songs 2 vols (Oxford)

*SHARP-MARSON FSS 1904 = Cecil J Sharp and Charles L. Marson: Folk Songs from Somerset - 5 vols (Simpkin Marshall)

SHARPE BB 1817 = C.K.Sharpe: A Ballad Book (Edinburgh)

*SIMPSON = Claude M 1966 THE BRITISH BROADSIDE BALLAD and its music,

*SMITH SM 1820-24 = R.A.Smith: The Scotish Minstrel - 6 vols (Edinburgh)

*STOKOE-REAY SBNE 1899 = John Stokoe & Samuel Reay: Songs & Ballads of Northern England

*STUBBS LOM 1970 = Kenneth Stubbs: The Life of a man - English FS from Home Counties (EFDS Society)

*SUMNER BM 1888 = The Besom Maker (Longmans Green)

*TERRY SB 1/2 1921/6/ SSB 1931 = Richard Runciman Terry: The Shanty Book -2 vols/ Salt Sea Ballads (Curwen)

*UDAL DFL 1922 = John Symonds Udal: Dorsetshire Folk-Lore (Hertford: Stephen Austin)

*UNIVERSAL SONGSTER - 3 vols (Routledge)

*VAUGHAN WILLIAMS FSEC 1907/ EETC 1919 = Ralph Vaughan Williams: FS of the Eastern Counties/ Eight English Traditional Carols (London: Novello/ Stainer & Bell)

VOC LIB 1818/ 22 = The Vocal Library - Being the Largest Collection of English, Scottish and Irish Songs Ever Printed in a Single Volume (London: John Souter, 1818):

*WHALL SSS 1910 = W.B.Whall: Sea Songs & Shanties (Brown, Son & Ferguson)

*WILLIAMS FSUT 1923 = Alfred Williams: Folk Songs of the Upper Thames (Duckworth)

*ZIMMERMAN 1966 = George-Denis Zimmerman: Irish Political Ballads (La Sirene, Paris)

FOLK-SONG - New World (i. e. Americas, Australiasia, Canada & Carribbean) :-

AAFS = Archive of American Folksong

ABRAHAMS JRR 1969 = Roger D.Abrahams: Jump-Rope Rhymes: A Dictionary (Austin: Univ. Texas)

ABRAHAMS & RANKIN COR 1980 = Roger D.Abrahams & Lois Rankin: Counting-Out Rhymes: A Dictionary : (Austin: Univ. Texas)

*ABRAHAMS & RIDDLE 1970 = Roger D.Abrahams & Almeda Riddle: Singer and Her Songs (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univ. Pr)

ANDERSON GS 1958/ CB 1962/ FOE 1964/ *SAFS 1970/ FJJ 2000 = Hugh Anderson: Goldrush Songster/ Colonial Ballads/ Farewell to Old England/ The Story of Australian Folksong/ Farewell to Judges and Juries: The Broadside Ballad and Convict Transportation to Australia 1788-1868 (Sydney: Rams Skull/ NY: Oak/ Victoria: Red Rooster)

ARNOLD FSA 1950 = Byron Arnold: Folksongs of Alabama (Univ Press)

*ASCH & LOMAX 1962 = Moses Asch & Alan LOMAX: The Leadbelly Songbook (NY: Oak)
BARBEAU RDC 1937/ *CAS 1947 = Marius Barbeau: Romancero du Canada/ Come A-Singing (Montreal: Editions Beauchemin/ Ottawa: Nat Museum of Canada)
*BARBEAU & SAPIR FSFC 1925 = Marius Barbeau & Edward Sapir: Folk Songs of French Canada (Yale Univ/ Oxford)
*BARRY-ECKSTORM-SMYTH BBM 1929 = Phillips Barry, Fanny Hardy Eckstorm & Mary Winslow Smyth British Ballads from Maine (Yale Univ)
BECK SML 1941 = Earl Clifton Beck: Songs of the Michigan Lumberjacks (Univ Mich, Ann Arbor)
BECK FLM 1957 = Horace P.Beck: The Folklore of Maine (J.B.Lippincott, NY)
*BELDEN BSCM 1940 = Henry Marvin Belden,: Ballads and Songs from Missouri(Columbia: Univ. of Mo.)
BREWSTER BSI 1940 = Paul G Brewster: Ballads & Songs of Indiana (Bloomington)

*BRONSON TTCB 1959-72 = Bertrand H.Bronson: Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads (NJ: Princeton Univ, NJ
*BROWN NCF 1952 = Frank C.Brown: North Carolina Folklore - 7 vols (Duke Univ, Durham, N. C.)
CAMBIARE ETWV 1934 = Celestin Pierre Cambiare: East Tennesee & Western Virginia Mountain Ballads (Mitre, London 1934
CAZDEN FSCM 1958 = Norman Cazden & others: Folksongs of the Catskills (Albany: State Univ of NY)
CHAPPELL FSRA 1939 = Louis W Chappell: Folk-Songs of Roanoke and the Albermarle (Ballad Prerss, Morgantown)
*COFFIN TBNA 1950 = Tristram P Coffin: The British Traditional Ballad in North America (American Folklore Society)
COLCORD SAS 1938 = Joanna C Colcord: Songs of American Sailormen (Norton, NY)
*COMBS FSM 1925/ FSSS 1967 = Joseph H.Combs: Folk-Songs du Midi des Etats Unis/ Folk Songs of the Southern United States (Univ Paris/ Austin, Texas 1967)
*COX FSS 1925 = John Harrington Cox: Folk-Songs of the South (Harvard)
*CREIGHTON SBNS 1932/ MFS 1961/ FSNB 1971 = Helen Creighton: Songs & Ballads from Nova Scotia/ Maritime Folk Songs/ Folk-Songs from Southern New Brunswick (Dent/ Michigan State Univ Press/ Nat Museum of Canada)
*CREIGHTON-SENIOR TFSNS 1950 = HC & Doreen Senior: Traditional Songs from Nova Scotia (Ryerson Press)
*DAVIS TBV 1929/ MTBV 1960 = Arthur Kyle Davis: Traditional Ballads of Virginia/ More TBVa (Harvard/ Duke Univ, Durham)
*DOERFLINGER S&S 1951 = W.M. Doerflinger: Shantymen and Shantyboys (NY)
*DOYLE OTSN 1940/27/55 = Gerald S. Doyle: Old-Time Songs of Newfoundland (St John's, Nfl)
ECKSTORM & SMYTH MM 1927 = Fanny Hardy Eckstorm & Mary Winslow Smyth: Minstrelsy of Maine (Houghton Mifflin, NY)
EDDY BSO 1939 = Mary O Eddy: Ballads & Songs from Ohio (Augustin)
*FLANDERS-BROWN VS&B 1932 = Helen Hartness Flanders & George Brown: Vermont Folk-Songs & Ballads (Brattleboro, Vt: Stephen Daye)
FLANDERS GGMS 1934 = Helen Hartness Flanders: A Garland of Green Mountain Song (Northfield Vermont)
FLANDERS-BARRY NGMS 1939 = Flanders, Brown & Phillips Barry: New Green Mountain Songster (Yale)
*FLANDERS-OLNEY BMNE 1953 = Flanders & Margarite Olney: Ballads Migrant in New England (Farrar, Strauss & Young, NY)
*FOWKE TSSO 1965 = Edith Fowke: Traditional Singers & Songs from Ontario (Burns & McEachern)
FOWKE & JOHNSTON FSC 1954 = Edith Fowke & Richard Johnston: Folk Songs of Canada (Waterloo Music)
*FOWKE & MILLS CSIS 1960 = Edith Fowke & Alan Mills: Canada's Story in Song (W.J.Gage, Toronto)
FUSON BKH 1931 = Harvey H.Fuson: Ballads of the Kentucky Highlands (Mitre, London)
GAGNON CPDC 1865/1952 = Ernest Gagnon: Chansons populaires du Canada (Mpntreal: Beauchemin)
*GARDNER-CHICKERING BSSM 1939 = Emelyn E. Gardner & G.J. Chickering: Ballads & Songs of Southern Michigan (Ann Arbor: Univ Mi.)
*GEROULD BOT 1957 = Gordon Hall Gerould: The Ballad of Tradition (Oxford Univ Press, NY)
GRAY SBML 1924 = Roland Palmer Gray: Songs & Ballads of the Maine Lumberjacks (Harvard, Cambridge, Mass)
GREENLEAF & MANSFIELD BSSN 1933 = Elizabeth B Greenleaf & Grace Mansfield: Ballads & Sea Songs from Newfoundland (Cambridge: Harvard Univ)
*HENRY FSSH 1938 = Mellinger E.Henry: Folk Songs from the Southern Highlands (Augustin, NY)

HUBBARD B&SU 1961 = Lester A.Hubbard: Ballads & Songs from Utah (Utah Univ Press)
*HUDSON FSM 1936 = Arthur Palmer Hudson: Folk Songs of Mississippi (Univ NC, Chapel Hill)
IVES FSNB 1989 = Edward D.Ives: Folksongs of New Brunswick (Fredericton: Goose Lane)
*JEKYLL JS&S 1907 = Walter Jekyll: Jamaican Songs and Stories (David Nutt/ FLS)
*KARPELES FSNFL 1934 & 1971 = Maud Karpeles: Folk Songs from Newfoundland (London: OUP/ Faber & Faber)

KORSON CDF 1943/ PSL 1949 = George Korson: Coal-Dust on the Fiddle/ Pennsylvania Songs & Legends (Univ. Phil)
*LAWS ABBB 1957/ NAB 1950/64 = Malcolm G Laws Jr: American Balladry from British Broadsides/ Native American Balladry (American Folklore Soc)
*LEACH BB 1955/ LLC 1965 = Edward MacLeach: The Ballad Book/ Folk Ballads & Songs of the Lower Labrador Coast (NY: Harper/ Ottawa: Museum of Canada)

*LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1940: Check-List of Recorded Songs in the English Language in the Archive of American Folk Song to July 1940 : (Washington, DC)
LINSCOTT FSONE 1939 = Eloise Hubbard Linscott: Folk Songs of Old New England (NY: Macmillan)
*LOMAX CS 1910/ ABFS 1934/ OSC 1941/ FSUSA 1947/ FSNA 1960 = John A & Alan Lomax: Cowboy Songs/ American Ballads & Folk Songs/ / Our Singing Country/ Folk Song: USA/ The Folk Songs of North America (NY: Macmillan/ Doubleday/ London: Cassell)
*MACKENZIE BSNS 1928 = W Roy Mackenzie: Ballads & Sea Songs from Nova Scotia (Harvard)
*MEREDITH-ANDERSON FSA 1967 = John Meredith & Hugh Anderson: Folk Songs of Australia (Ure Smith, Sydney)
MOORE BFSW 1964 = Ethel & Chauncey O Moore: Ballads & Folk Songs of the Southwest (Normanton: Univ Oklahoma)
MORRIS FSF 1950 = Alton C Morris: Folksongs of Florida (Univ, Gainesville)
NEELY-SPARGO TSSI 1938 = Charles Neely & John W Spargo: Tales & Songs of Southern Illinois (Wisconsin: George Banta)
*NEWELL GSAC 1883 = William Wells Newell: Games and Songs of American Children (Harper & Bros, NY)
OWENS TFS 1950 = William A Owens: Texas Folk Songs (Dallas: Texas Folklore Soc.)
PARLER ABB 1963 = Mary Celestia Parler: An Arkansas Ballad Book (Univ, Fayetteville)
*PEACOCK NFLO 1965 = Kenneth Peacock: Songs of the Newfoundland Outposts - 3 vols (Ottawa: Museum of Canada)
PETERS FSOW 1977 = Harry B.Peters: Folk Songs Out of Wisconsin (Madison: State Historical Soc. of Wisconsin)
RANDOLPH-SHOEMAKER OFS 1946-1950 = Vance Randolph & Floyd C Shoemaker: Ozark Folk Songs - 4 vols (Columbia: State Historical Society)
RICKABY BSSB 1926 = Franz Rickaby: Ballads & Songs of the Shanty-boy (Harvard)
RICHARDSON & SPAETH AMS 1927 = E.A. Richardson & S. Spaeth: American Mountain Songs (NY: Greenberg)
*RITCHIE SFC 1955 = Jean Ritchie: Singing Family of the Cumberlands (Oxford)
ROBERTS & AGEY ITP 1978 = Leonard Roberts & C. Buell Agey: In The Pine: Selected Kentucky Folksongs : (Pikeville, Ky: College Press)
*ROY CDA 1969 = Raoul Roy: Chant d'Alouette (Quebec: Presses de l'Univ. Laval)
*SANDBURG AS 1927 = Carl Sandburg: The American Songbag (Harcourt, Brace)
SCARBOROUGH SCSM 1937 = Dorothy Scarborough: A Song Catcher in Southern Mountains (NY: Columbia)
*SHARP-KARPELES FSSA (1917) 1932 = Cecil J Sharp with Maud Karpeles: English Folksongs from the Southern Appalachians - 2 vols (Oxford) - DC = Dear Companion (Selection) 2004
SHOEMAKER MMP 1931 = Henry W Shoemaker: Mountain Minstrelsy of Pennsylvania (Newman F McGirr)
SMITH SCB 1928 = Reed Smith: South Carolina Ballads (Bambridge: Harvard)
*SPAETH RE&W 1926/ WSM 1927 = Sigmund Spaeth: Read 'em & Weep/ Weep Some More, My Lady (NY: Doubleday)
THOMPSON PS 1958 = Harold W. Thompson: A Pioneer Songster -Texts from Stevens-Douglass Ms (Ithaca: Cornell)
*WARNER TAFS 1984 = Frank & Anne Warner: Traditional American Folk Songs (Syracuse Univ)
*WELLS BT 1950 = Evelyn Wells: The Ballad Tree: A Study of British &American Ballads (NY: Ronald Press)
WYMAN-BROCKWAY LT 1916 = Loraine Wyman & Howard Brockway: Lonesome Tunes: Folk Songs from the Kentucky Mountains (Gray, NY)


*BAYARD HCT 1944/ DTF 1982 = Samuel Preston Bayard: Hill Country Tunes/ Dance to the Fiddle (Penn State Univ)
*BREATHNACH 1963/ 1976/ 1983 = Breandan Breathnach: Ceol Reince Na hEireainn - 3 vols (Dublin)
*FELDMAN-DOHERTY NF 1979 = Allen Feldman & Eamonn O'Doherty: The Northern Fiddler (Belfast: Blackstaff)
*KENNEDY FTB 1951-54/ 1994/ 1997/ 1997/ 1998/ 1999 = Peter Kennedy: The Fiddler's Tune Book (Oxford University Press/ Mallinson)
*KERR MM nd = Kerr's Collection of Merry Melodies (Kerr, Glasgow)
*O'NEILL MOI 1903/ DMI 1947 = Captain Francis O'Neill, Capt. F.: Music of Ireland/ Dance Music of Ireland (Chicago)
= F.Roche: Collection of Irish Airs - 3 vols (Dublin: Piggott)

*ED&S = Magazine of The English Dance & Song Society
JAMF = Journal of American Folklore
*JFSS/ JEFDSS/ FMJ 1899- = Journal of the Folk-Song Society/ The Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society/ The Folk Music Journal

N&Q Notes & Queries - see
*TOCHER = School of Scottish Studies, Edinburgh
PTFS = Publications of the Texas Folklore Soc

THE ORAL TRADITIONS LIBRARY (Reference only - not for sale)

This collection contains books that have been in the Kennedy and Karpeles families over several generations. Some were handed down from Kennedy-Fraser branch whilst others came from Cecil Sharp as gifts to Helen and Maud Karpeles who assisted Sharp with his work

Index of Authors/ Editors

Index of Book Categories (A01-F21)

A01 Australia & New Zealand

A02 Canada

A03 Caribbean

A04 USA - Afro-American

A05 USA Dance

A06 USA - American Indian

A07 USA - Song

A08 USA - Various

B01 Channel Islands

B02 Cornwall & Scilly Isles

B03 Devon

B04 Ireland - Dance

B05 Ireland - Song

B06 Ireland - Various

B07 Isle of Man

B08 London

B09 Scotland - Dance

B10 Scotland - Song

B11 Scotland - Various

B12 Wales - Dance

B13 Wales - Song

B14 Wales - Various

B15 West Country (other than Devon & Cornwall)

C01 Anthropology

C02 Art

C03 Children

C04 Craft

C05 Customs

C06 Drama (Traditional)

C07 Environment

C08 Fiction

C09 Folklore

C10 Nomads (Gypsies & Tinkers)

C11 Puppetry

C12 Reference - Folk

C13 Reference - General

C14 Speech (other than Story & Verse)

C15 Story

C16 Supernatural

C17 Theatre (other than Folk Drama)

C18 Verse

D01 Dance - Britain as a whole

D02 Dance - England

D03 Dance - Historical

D04 Dance - Ritual

D05 Dance - Various

D06 Instruments - General

D07 Instruments - Guitar

D08 Instruments - Other Strings

D09 Instruments - Various

D10 Music - Educational

D11 Music - General

D12 Sheet Music (other than Song E12)

D13 Tune Books

E01 Ballads

E02 Song - Britain as a whole

E03 Carols (see also E10 Sacred)

E04 Song - Composed

E05 Song - Education

E06 Song - publ by EFDSS

E07 Song - not publ EFDSS

E08 Song - General

E09 Song - Historical

E10 Song - Sacred

E11 Song - Sea

E12 Song - Sheet Music

E13 Song - World

F01 Africa

F02 China

F03 Europe - Dance

F04 Europe - General

F05 Europe - Song

F06 - France

F07 - Germany & Austria

F08 - Holland

F09 - Hungary

F10 - India

F11 - Italy

F12 - Japan

F13 - Latin-America

F14 - Pacific

F15 - Poland

F16 - Portugal

F17 - Romania

F18 - Russia

F19 - Scandinavia

F20 - Spain

F21 - Tristan de Cunha



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