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FTX 422 - SONGS OF MANN - Joan OWEN with the choirs of LON DHOO & LON VANE

In the 1950s Joan Owen was considered the foremost folksinger on the Isle of Man. Unlike concert singers at that time, she sang the Gaelic songs unaccompanied, the way they had been collected, edited and translated by the indomitable local journalist, Mona Douglas. (see FOLKTRAX 007). On this recording, made in the main town of Douglas in 1958, she is joined by the combined voices, male and mixed, of two local choirs who also specialised in singing some of the old Gaelic songs but, this time, translated into English but still using some of Mona's collection which had been arranged by Arnold Foster. For the opening, the popular "Wedding Song", the choir has a piano accompaniment.

THE WEDDING SONG - JUAN Y JAGGAD KEEAR (Johnny of the Grey Jacket) - ARRANE BEN DROGH HRAGHTALAGH (Smuggler's Lullaby) - GEAY JEH'N AER (Sea Invocation) - ARRANE Y LHONDOO (Song of the Blackbird) - FISHERMEN'S EVENING HYMN - BERREY DHONE (Brown Berrey) - USHAG VEG RUY (Little Red Bird) - GRAIH MY CHREE (Love of my heart) - MY CAILLIN VEG DHONE (My Little Brown Girl) - ELLEN VANNIN - ARRANE OIE VIE (Good Night Song) - YN FOLDER GASTEY (The Nimble Mower) - MYLECHARANE (Gaelic & English) - GREG WILLY SYL (Willy Syl's Rock) - MANNIA VEEN - mixed choir - GRAIH FOALSEY (False Love) - YN LHIANNON SHEE (Fairy Sweetheart) - NY KIRREE FO NIAGHTY (The Sheep under the Snow) - ARRANE NY SHEEAGHYN TROAILTAGH (Song of the Travelling Fairies) - NATIONAL SONG - ARRANE NY BLIEH (Grinding Song) - SHE LLONG HONNICK MEE (A Ship Sailing) - ARRANE SAVEENAGH (Slumber Song) - MRAANE KILKENNY (The Kilkenny Woman) - GOOD NIGHT SONG


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