1. SEMNAL PASTORESC played on Central Moldavian "bucium" (shepherd's alphorn)
by Alex. Uica (aged 11) from Calu (Buhusi-Bacau) - 0'41"
2. CINTAREA PRIMAVERII (Spring song) on "tulnic" alphorn (W.Transylvania)
by Iosana Bud (19) from Vidra de Mijloc (Cimperii-Cluj) - 0'30"
3. DOINA on "solz de peste" (fish-scale of a carp) by Marin Toma (40) from
Victoria (Braila-Galati)- 1'38"
4. MURGULETUL on "cimpoi" (Wallachian bagpipe) by Ilie Orlanda (59), from
Podisor (Videle-Bucuresti)- 1'37"
5. BATUTA FETELOR on "tilinca" flute by Mihai Lacatus (46), from Capul Satului
(Cimpulung-Suceava)- 1'26"
6. JOC DIN DELENI on Moldavian flute (Northern Moldavia & Transylania) by
Ion Gaina (34), from Deleni (Hirlau-Iasi)- 1'10"
7. HORA on "caval" flute (S Rumania) by Gh. Balteanu (55) from Racaciuni
(Bacau) - 1'14"
8. CIOCIRLIA (The Lark) - on flute by Petre Popescu (43) from Tega (Cislau-Ploiesti)
- 1'37"
9. BRIU on "fluier gemanat" (double flute) by Iovan Moza (47) from Sichevita
(Moldova Noua-Banat) - 0'49"
10. HORA MIRESEI on "piculina" (small flute) by Gh. Ciontea (25) from Alimpesti
(Gilort-Oltenia) - 0'50"
11. CINTEC & INVIRTITA RUPTA - flute ensemble from Communa Jina (Sebes-Hunedoara)
- 2'35"
12. DOINA & JOC MOROSANESC on "marica" (Moldavian flute) by Larion & Gratian
from Lesu (Nasaud-Cluj) - 1'41"
13. DOINA OLTULUI on "nai" or "muscal" (pan-pipes) by Fanica Luca with his
"lautari" folk orchestra - 2'59"
14. BRIUL PE SAPTE on fiddle & "cobza" (Wallachian lute) by Nic Dobrica
(66) & Vasile Bursuc (59) from Teis (Tirgoviste-Ploiesti) - 1'25"
15. HORA DE LA GISTETI on "cobza" by Ion Paturica (cobza) from Teis-Tirgoviste
- with orch. - 1'48"
16. TINTARASUL (The Gnat) on fiddle & "tambalagiul bucurestean" (small cimbalom)
by Gh. Stanica from Fierbinti (Urziceni-Bucuresti) & Stan Paun - 0'55"
17. CINTECUL LUI CORBEA on "tambal mare" (large cimbalom) by Nicolae Visan
with orch. - 1'36"
18. ARDELEANA & POSOVAICA on clarinet by Traian Lascut-Fagarasanu with orch.
- 1'49"
19. DE DOI on "torogoata" (straight wooden saxophone) by Iosef Milu with
orch. (Banat) - 3'17"
20. BRIUL MUSCELEAN on accordion by Ilea Udila with orch. - (Arges) - 1'46"
21. BUGEACUL on shepherd's flute by Florea Netcu from Turnu Magureie with
orch - 1'43"
22. CINE-A-NDALUIT HORILE - Elisabeta Pavel (34) from Girisul Negru (Salonta
Crisana) - 1'29"
23. PE DEALUL CERBALULUI - Nicolae Poanta-Husari (24) from Ceridor (Hunedoara)
- 1'28"
24. LA SFINTA MARIE MARE - Maria Ghise (24) from Poiana (Sebes-Hunedoara)
- 1'13"
25. M-O MINAT MAICA SA TES - Sofia Braicu (41) from Vechi (Agnita-Brasov)
- 1'03"
26. IMPARATE, IMPARATE - Reghina Tapaloaga (50) from Lesu (Nasaud-Cluj)
- 1'38"
27. DEA-AR VENI LUNA LUI MAI - as previous - 1'44"
28. HORINCUTA - Victoria Darvai from Valeni (Sighet-Muramures) with orch
dir. by Radu Voinescu - 1'20"
29. MARIE, MARIE - Magdalena Biriescu (39) Criciova (Lugoj-Banat) with
orch dir. by Ion Luca-Banateanu - 319
30. MARITA-M-AS MARITA - Aurelia Fatu-Radutu with orch. dir. by Nicu Stanescu
(Banat) - 255
MOLDAVIA (Suceava Region)
31. CIND ERAM LA VREMEA MEA - Zinovia Timpau (36) Pojorita (Cimpulung-Suceava)
- 202
32. CITE PASARI SINT VENITE - Maria Surupat (49) Sadova (Cimpulung-Suceava)
- 153
33. CINTICLU AL COLE (Macedonian) - 151
34. S-A LEGAT, NEICA, LEGAT (Oltenia) - Edlena Vusescu (20) Izverna (Baia
de Arama) - 103
35. EU LE-AM SPUS OCHILOR MEI - Elisabeta Arsene (21) Jugur-Poenari (Muscel-Arges)
- 122
36. NEICA CIND NE IUBEAM NOI - Ileana Constantinescu of Comani (Draganesti
Olt- Arges) - 158
37. MA UITAI PE VALE-N LUNCA - Maria Lataretu of Balcesti (Gilort-Oltenia)
- 256
38. HORA PACII (Oltenia) - orch. dir. By Victor Predescu - 228
Recorded in collaboration with the folklorist, Tiberiu Alexandru, of The
Romanian Folklore Institute 1956-9 and presented to Dr Maud Karpeles at the
IFMC Conference in Bucharest Aug 1962. Edited by Peter Kennedy & first published
on Folktrax Cassettes 1975 & CD 2001.