Shepherding - Farmwork (Northumb) - Songs in the family - Miner's (Durham)
- Broadsides (Tees-side) - Hunting - Shepherds Meets - Dialect poem - Courting
story (Cumbria) - Pace-egging - Terrible Knitters of Dent - Yorkshire Coat
of Arms - Owd Bartle - Lass of Richmond Hill - Farmwork & fiddling (W
Yorks) - Country Dance - Sword (Cleveland) - Christmas Rhymes & street
cries (Leeds) - Miner's customs (Sheffield) - Carols, Club-walks, Football,
Garlands (Derbysh) - Soul-cakers begging custom - 50 years as a domestic
servant - Sanding for May Day & weddings (Cheshire) |