SAYINGS, STORIES, RECITATIONS & TALL TALES. Selected from hundreds of tape
recordings submitted by members of the Women's Institute, here are some outstanding
examples of natural speech from different parts of the county - most were made
during 1976 at the instigation of the Devon Federation of the W.I. with the
object of preserving good examples of everyday speech of Devon in the mid 70's.
1. "Where there's smoke": Mrs Vickery, CULLOMPTON - 3'32"
2. "Old Jack Littletruth": Alf Tucker, TOTNES, S.Devon (rec by Peter Kennedy)
- 3'42"
3. "Fire down below": Will Daymond, STICKLEPATH, Okehampton - 5'18"
4. "Doctor Perkins and the pig": Ms Trott, HAYTOR VALE, Newton Abbot - 1'40"
5. "A dark night"/ "Shifting a fowl-house": P Isaac, CRUWYS MORCHARD - 2'56"
6. "The pig-wire joke" (recitation): Bessie Wilson, SIDMOUTH - 2'52"
7. "Foxtor Mire": Mr Legassik, MEAVY with SHEEPSTOR, W.Dartmoor - 1'36"
8. "The lost child found": Mrs Pavey, HONITON, E.Devon - 2'02"
9. "Rare old characters": Tom Gammon & son, Ivor, WOOLACOMBE, N.Devon -
10. "Working donkeys": Annie Crebur, WEST CHARLETON - 1'57"
11. "A clean joint": Mrs Cary, WHITCHURCH, Tavistock - 0'40"
12. "Village chit-chat": Mr & Mrs Knight & Mrs Tucker, LUSTLEIGH -
13. "Our Jan": Mrs B Clist, HEMYOCK - 0'29"
14. "More about Jan": Bessie Wilson, SIDMOUTH - 0'56"
15. "Our brass band" (recitaion: A J Coles/ B Wilson): as previous - 5'00"
16 "Widecombe Fair" sung by Bill Westaway, BELSTONE, Okehampton (rec by Peter
Kennedy) - 3'59"
Recorded & edited by Peter Kennedy and first published on Folktrax cassettes
FTX-401 - 'AIVE DOWN YOUR PRONG - The ups & downs of farming
FTX-402 - MORTY UNLUCKY OLD CHAP - A social commentary on rural life
FTX-404 - FRAWZIES AND SCUMPY - Traditional repast & refreshment
FTX-411 - THATCHERS TALK - A Somerset and a Dorset thatcher
FT-412 - WEST COUNTRY FOLKLORE - Dialect speakers from Cornwall, Devon, Dorset & Somerset
FTX-086 - TALES & TUNES OF OLD DEVON - A selection of songs & dances
FTX-087 - Devon fiddler - FRED PIDGEON of Stockland - 30 dance tunes & talk