Douglas KENNEDY (1893-1988) in retirement in his "Deckhouse"at Waldringfield, Suffolk, interviewed by Peter and Beryl Kennedy, 20th April 1983 - Talk is about Cecil Sharp, the Karpeles amd Kennedy families and Douglas's own personal involvement in the two Folk Revivals (Colour 1983/ 3 hours on 3 DVD-Rs)- Hear also his biography on 13 CDs on FTX-481-493)

Disc #1

1. Beginning (How he became involved in Folk Music)

2.Very much English

3. The First Morris

4. "Onward Christian Soldiers"

5. What about Mrs Sharp?

6. John Short at Watchet

7. The Undressing Show

Disc #2

1. Beginning of Performances

2. The Matthay School

3. To the Appalachians

4. The Vernacular

5. Cecil Sharp House

6. Sharp's collecting

7. Break for thoughts

8. Grandfather & family traditions

Disc #3

1. Scottish Ballads: "The Golden Vanity"

2. "Hame cam oor gudeman at een"

3. Grandfather David

4. Square Dancing

5. Getting the lift into dance

6. What is the message?

7. Getting rid of husks

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