Song, dance & Customs of GUERNSEY & SARK
"Les Iles Normands", in spite of anglicisation and tourism, some islanders
still speak the local French patois and keep up the old traditions. From Guernsey:
8 songs & 7 dances - with explanations & translations, as well as talk
about them & the customs: The Big Plough, Milk-a-punch Sunday, Bonfire Night
& the Green Bed. From Sark: 9 songs & dances, as well as conversation
in Sarkese & talk about customs including the Masquerade.
1. L'ALOUETTE played on melodeon by Mary Sauvage, Catel - 0.21
2. LA GRA' CHARRUE sung by Morrison Torode, St Peters (talk before & explan
after) - 3.18
3. LA BEBEE (The Baby or Clap Polka) Mary Sauvage (mel) with talk by her father,
Ernest followed by tune again with humming & clapping - 1.57
4. JE VINGT ANS MON PERE sung by John Gallienne, Torteval (talk bef: apologises
for his English & explan after) - 1.01
5. THE FOUR HAND REEL (Tune: Soldier's Joy var.) played by Frank Brehard (mel)
talk after by his father, Walter, descr. dance, "the green bed", witchcraft,
warnings, shipwrecks, smuggling & book, "Le Petit Albert" for casting spells
- 3.27
6. LA JERRIAISE (The Jersey Polka) Frank Brehard (mel) - 0.36
7. LE PAUVRE SOLDAT EN REVENANT DE GUERRE sung by George Le Moigne, Perelle
(explan bef) - 3.42
8. THE HEEL AND TOE POLKA Mary Sauvage (mel) - 0.34
9. J'AI T'ENCORE UN PETIT VOYAGE A FAIRE George Le Moigne (explan bef) - 1.41
10. DOUBLE, DOUBLE LA VIOLETTE Mary Sauvage (mel) with her father singing -
11. Talk about local customs by Wilfred Thoume, St Martins, incl Vauche d'an
(riding the donkey for the unfaithful), Milk-a-punch (1st Sunday i9n May), Guernsey
Gauche (cake), Gra' Charrue & Guy Fawkes Night (Nov 5) - 4.48
12. J'AI PERDU MA FEMME EN PLANTENT DES CHOUX Mary Sauvage & her father
singing - 0.46
13. MA MIGNONETTE John Gallienne (with explan bef) - 3.03
14. CHANGEZ DES BRAS (Apres Six Heures) Mary Sauvage - 0.20
15. REVEILLEZ-VOUS BELLE ENDORME Morrison Torode with explan after followed
16. GUERNSEY WALTZ Mary Sauvage (mel) - 1.40
17. AU CLAIR DE LA LUNE sung by Jack Le Feuvre with explan before & talk
about Sark dances after - 1.40
18. NO MORE FANCY GIRLS FOR ME (The Sark Dance) played by Leonard Belloeil
(melodeon) - 1.07
19. AH OUI, AH OUI, MA MERE Philip Hamon with talk before by Mrs Carre & after by Philip - 1.40
20. NON, NON, JE NE LE VEUT PAS (The Jersey Dance) Hilary Carre (mel) with
talk after descr dance - 1.37
21. ACOURREE DANS MON BATEAU sung by Elizabeth Guille - 0.28
22. Mrs Guile & Mrs Belloeil converse in Sarkese with explan after in English
- 1.11
23. IL ETAIT UN BERGERE Jack & Mrs Le Feuvre with explan before & talk
after about himself & Sark - 3.38
24. LE DANSE DE LA CHAPIEAU (The Hat Dance) Hilary Carre hums tune, explan
dance then gives title & plays tune (mel) - 1.23
25. LE BON GRENADIER Jack Le Feuvre explan bef & talk after about his grandfather
incl the Green Bed - 4.21
26. LA BARBIERE A PARIS Philip Hamon & Mrs Carre with Hilary Carre (mel)
playing tune after & Jack Le Feuvre explan - 4.49
27. C'EST A St PIERRE LIHOU Philip Hamon & company with explan after by
Hilary Carre - 1.45
28. MON MARI EST BIEN MALADE Hilary Carre & company with explan after -
29. AU PRES DE MA BLONDE Leonard Belloeil (mel in two keys) - 1.40
30. Talk about local customs by Jack Le Feuvre incl life in Sark, singing,
playing cards, newspapers once a week, the Big Ploughs and the Masquerade -
Recorded by Peter Kennedy 1957 & 1960, edited by Peter Kennedy and first
published on Folktrax cassettes 1975.
More music from the Channel Islands:-
FTX-012 including those songs #97-120 included in Peter Kennedy's FOLKSONGS
OF BRITAIN & IRELAND (Cassells 1975 reprinted in paperback 1985 by Oak &
distributed by Music Sales) which contains music, background notes & useful
FTX-214 Songs, dances and customs of Jersey.
FTX-243 Traditions of Guernsey & Alderney
FTX-244 Traditions of Jersey
FTX-245 Traditions of Sark