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DOINAS (free-form improvised songs or instrumentals somewhat akin to "blues"):- DE SARACU MINDRUTU (My Poor Darling) "horea" (Oas-Maramures) rec 1940 - FERICE, CODRE, DE TINE (Forest, you are fortunate) "cintec lung" (long song") (Trg-Jiu-Oltenia) rec 1940 - MINDRA FLOARE-I NOROCU (Luck is a beautiful flower) "de jale" (of woe) doina from N.Moldavia (Cimpulung-Suceava) rec 1936 - S-A DUD CUCUL (The Cuckoo is gone) "but her chicks are adopterd by a mother wren" (Draganesti Olt-Arges) - NICI O BOALA NU E GREA (No illness is so unbearable) "dragoste" (humorous song) (Muscel-Arges) - CIND ERA LA SAIZESITREI (It was in the year of '63) "liberation ballad" (Videle-Bucuresti) - A-NFLORIT DEALUL SI CIMPUL (The hills and the meadows have blossomed) a collective farming ballad (Gilort-Oltenia) - PASTORAL (or SHEPHERD'S MUSIC):- A OILOR (Of the sheep) mustering tune played on "bucium" (alphorn) (Oas-Maramures) - CHEMNAREA OILOR (Calling the sheep) played on "tulnic" (alphorn of Muntii Apuseni mountains of W.Transylavania) (Cimpeni-Cluj) - A GAINILOR (Of the hens) "tulnic" (Cimpeni-Cluj) - A PORCILOR (Of the pigs) - as previous - LA FACUTUL CASULUI (When making the sheep-cheese) played on Moldavian flute (Cimpulung-Suceava) - PORMEALA OILOR (The starting of the sheep) doina instrumental played on "caval" pipe (Oltenita-Bucaresti) - POVESTEA LUI TINJALA (The story of Tinjala) story & flute tune (Rimnicu Sarat-Ploiesti) - CIND A PERDUT CIOBANUL OILE (When the shepherd lost his sheep) (large goat bagpipe without large drone with story & shepherd's flute (Buzai-Galati) - A OILOR (Of the sheep) played on flute (Bozovici-Banat) & on torogoata (Orsova-Banat) - EPIC BALLADS:- TAXIM instrumental of ballad (Segarcea-Oltenia) played on fiddle accomp on guitar (Oltenia) - INCHINARE (Dedication) (as previous) - SOARELE SI LUNA (The sun and the moon) (Videle-Bucuresti) accomp. on cobza (Tirgoviste-Ploiesti) - MESTERUL MANOLE (Manole, the master mason) (Oltenita-Bucuresti) accomp. by Band - RADU CALOMFIRESCU (Oltenita-Bucuresti) - MIHU HAIDUCUL (Mihu, the outlaw) (Oltenita-Bucuresti) with Band - MIHU HAIDUCIL Conclusion & dedication of previous item - VOICA Celeiu (Carabia-Oltenia) also known as the "Lenore" ballad (as previous) - MIORITA (The little lamb) sung and played on fiddle accomp. on cobza (Muscel-Arges) - ION AL MARE (Big John) sung & played on fiddle (Calafat-Oltenita) accomp. on guitar - CINTECUL REVOLTEI (Videle-Bucuresti) - MANTU DE LA CAVARAN (Lugoj-Banat) accomp by Band



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